Trawell is a professional travel blog WordPress theme carefully designed to help you create a stunning travel blog, travel guide or travel magazine website very easily, with smart features that every travel blogger needs to streamline its travel adventure.
Looking for a WordPress travel theme?
See what kind of websites you can create with Trawell and find out why this is one of the best travel WordPress themes.
- Personal travel blog (for travel blogger, backpacker, personal websites or influencers)
- Travel magazine (for travel tips & travel guide)
- Travel affiliate theme (for travel booking affiliate website)
- WordPress travel guide (for destination guides, SEO & affiliate travel websites)
- WordPress travel listing directory (for city listing and location guide, with Google Maps integration)
- WordPress travel photography website
- Any tourism guide blog (for people that just love travel and adventure)
Read through the full list of features
- Predefined, beautifully designed templates for travel wp blogs
- Google Maps location map integration to easily display your travel locations
- Customizable categories to give your destinations a personal touch
- Unlimited font & color options to easily apply your brand
- Customizable featured image size & ratio
- Predefined ad slots for an easy monetization
- Performance options for faster page loading
- Fully responsive design that works across all devices
- Unlimited sidebars (plus sticky sidebar)
- Multiple widget styles (plus bonus custom widgets)
- Multiple pagination types
- Post formats support
- Article reading time support
- Beautifull galleries to showcase your travel photography
- Fully compatible with booking plugins for travel affiliate websites
- Gutenberg ready (WP 5) and compatible with all editor blocks
- Instagram feed
- Flexible shortcodes
- WooCommerce support (shop)
- RTL support (for travel rtl right-to-left arabic oriented websites)
- Translation ready (with built-in translation options)
- One-click setup and demo content import
- One-click theme updates
- Full documentation and set-by-step guide
- Premium support from WordPress experts
Change log
- Improved: Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3
- Improved: Tested compatibility with PHP8
- Improved: It is now supported to use shortcodes in “About me” front page section
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Improved: Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.0 (yes, it’s safe to update your theme)
- Fixed: Gallery post format original theme styling compatibility with Gallery Block in WP 5.9+
- Added TikTok icon
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Fixed: Meks Author Widget Avatar width bug
- Fixed: Sticky posts inside related posts bug
- Fixed: Firefox and Redux (Theme Options) save problem
- Improved: WordPress 5.8 compatibility tweaks (yes,you can update your theme)
- Improved: Several onpage SEO tweaks (added noopener tag to several target=”_blank” attributes)
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Added: wp_body_open hook
- Fixed: WP 5.7 Gutenberg editor font size problem
- Fixed: Homepage pagination problem
- Fixed: Several minor styling and functionality issues
- Power Add: Users can pick and add more Custom areas (Theme Options -> Home Page -> General -> Number of custom content sections )
- Power Add: Users can display content from desired page inside Custom area (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Custom content -> Pull custom content from )
- Improved: WordPress 5.5 compatibility tweaks
- Fixed: Numeric pagination bug on Home Page
- Fixed: Several minor styling and functionality issues
- Added: Official support for WP Forms WordPress plugin
- Added: Options to choose multiple stylings for social sharing in the plugin settings in dashboard (Settings -> Meks Easy Social Share)
- Fixed: Pagination on “Posts 2” section on the front page not working properly in specific cases
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Great news! Trawell theme has been awarded the “WP requirements compliance badge” by Envato/ThemeForest, which is a certificate proving that it now meets the highest quality standards in the WordPress ecosystem.
- Improved: A slight code refactoring to meet the highest standards per Envato requirements
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
Mandatory changes to accommodate the latest Envato/ThemeForest requirements:
- All theme associated widgets cannot be a part of the theme anymore and are now removed. To get your widgets back, please install and activate Trawell Buddy plugin in Appearance -> Trawell plugins
- Social sharing functionality cannot be a part of the theme anymore. To enable social sharing, please install and activate Meks Easy Social Share plugin in Appearance -> Trawell plugins
- Additional JS field is not allowed in Theme options anymore thus it is removed from the theme. As an alternative, you can use Insert Headers and Footers WordPress Plugin
li>Additional CSS field is not allowed in Theme options anymore and is now patched into the WordPress native field in Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS
- Added: Styling support for the latest WordPress blocks (introduced in WordPress 5.2)
- Added: Admin panel styling for WP 5.0+ editor and all blocks
- Added: Support for Yoast SEO “primary category” feature (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Modified: Options to choose social networks for sharing are now located in the plugin settings in dashboard (Settings -> Meks Easy Social Share)
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Added: Another home page section for posts listing, Posts 2 (Theme Options -> Home Page)
- Added: Another home page section for category listing, Categories 2 (Theme Options -> Home Page)
- Added: Option to hide the map on single posts (Theme Options -> Single Post)
- Added: Option to display share buttons below single post content (Theme Options -> Single Post)
- Added: Option to globally enable parallax effect on images inside cover area (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Added: Option to animate counters on home page (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Counters)
- Added: Option to upload background image in home page cover area which will be displayed on mobile devices that doesn’t support background videos (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Cover)
- Added: Option to specify auto-refresh time for Instagram feed in footer (Theme Options -> Footer)
- Fixed: Page/post metaboxes not displaying in admin screen when Classic Editor was used
- Fixed: Conflicts with plugins which break Google Map in some cases
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Added: Styling for Blocks (coming with the new WordPress editor in version 5.0)
- Added: Option to chose whether to display map above or below the post content (Theme Options -> Single Post)
- Added: Option to switch off our built-in gallery functionality (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Added: Option to modify overlay opacity (darkness) on cover images (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Added: Option to display modified/updated date in post meta data instead of the publish date (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Improved: Fully tested and ready for WordPress 5.0
- Improved: Envato Market plugin is now recommended for theme updates
- Improved: Background video autoplay compatibility with specific browsers
- Fixed: Ordering categories on the home page not being displayed in order specified in theme options
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Added: Initial support for the upcoming new WordPress content editor (Gutenberg)
- Fixed: Switching Excerpt option to OFF not working in post layouts
- Fixed: Several minor styling issues
- Added: Options to disable ads on specific pages, i.e contact, 404, etc… (Theme Options -> Ads)
- Improved: Styling fro GDPR cookie consent checkbox field in comment forms
- Fixed: Map shortcode not working if inserted in the custom content field on the homepage
- Fixed: PHP throwing a few notices related to Map functionality in special cases
- Fixed: Some display options in category edit screen were not displayed properly
- Fixed: Lots of minor styling issues in various browsers
- Added: 3 new demo website examples which you can import with a single click
- Added: Option to remove mini sidebar on single posts completely and have wider post content area (Theme Options -> Single Post)
- Added: Option to open regular content images on single posts and pages as a popup gallery (Theme Options -> Misc.)
- Added: Option to autoplay (rotate) posts slider in cover area on home page (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Cover)
- Added: Option to make cover area posts unique and don’t duplicate it on the home page if “Posts” section is used too (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Cover)
- Added: Option to enable custom content (html or shortcodes) in static cover area on home page if you do not want to use predefined “title – description – buttons” format (Theme Options -> Home Page -> Cover)
- Added: New custom HTML section on Home Page where you can add ads, shortcodes or any custom content (Theme Options -> Home Page)
- Added: Special “Blank” page template where you can disable page tile, header and footer and use it as a completely custom landing page
- Added: Whats App share button (Theme Options -> Misc. )
- Added: New set of responsive header options where you can enable special elements like search, cart, social and secondary menus to be displayed in responsive mode (Theme Options -> Header -> Responsive)
- Improved: Cart icon updating product count without the need to refresh the page
- Fixed: Lots of minor styling issues in various browsers
- Added: Option to switch the content type on Layout A1, so now you can choose excerpt or full content ( Theme Options -> Post Layouts -> A1)
- Added: Possibility to have cover image on Blog page (if “page for posts” option is set in Reading settings)
- Improved: Meks Easy Maps plugin added to the official WordPress repository and updated with new features
- Fixed: Category options for overriding specific layouts and number of posts per page
- Fixed: Lots of minor styling issues in various browsers, responsive devices and RTL mode