Uroan – Jewelry Store Figma Template
Uroan is a Figma Template specially designed for Jewelry Store, Online Store, ecommerce shop, and modern store jewelry service. The Jewelry Store template has a beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence.
Uroan comes with modern ui and unique design made By Figma This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice of web development – you can create great website layout based on Bootstrap or
Grid 1320px..
Figma files
This template contained 25 Figma files as follows …
- 01.Home_One
- 02.Home_Two
- 03.Home_Three
- 04.About_Us
- 05.Shop_List
- 06.Shop_Grid
- 07.Product_Details_01
- 08.Product_Details_02
- 09.Product_Details_03
- 10.Cart_Layout
- 11.Wishlist_Layout
- 12.Checkout_Layout
- 13.Order_Track
- 14.Login_Layout
- 15.SignUp_Layout
- 16.Faq
- 17.Blog
- 18.Blog_Details
- 19.Contact
- 20.Error
- 21.Newsletter_Layout
- 22.Megamenu_Layout
- 23.Drop_Down_Menu_Layout
- 24.Off_Canvas_Layout
- 25.Cart_Drawer_Layout
The design is pixle perfect and made with Bootstrap 1320px Grid.
All layers are well arranged and named in a good order inside folder groups for easy reach.
This is the names of the fonts that I used and how you can get them…
I’ve used the free fonts from Google Fonts
Images in the preview are from http://google.com. and are not included in the Figma.
We care each bit of our clients needs. Our dedicated support team is always ready to provide support about our products/services instantly. So If you need any kind of help regarding the file or you have any special customization requirement
then please feel free to contact us.
Quality Hour Turnaround Support:
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- We provide the best support Open a Ticket.
- For any pre-purchase query, please use email, and the item’s comment section on ThemeForest. Thanks!
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Thanks so much!