24h News – Broadcast News HTML Template is build with the structure, content and style of a professional News TV Channel, and is great for TV News, Newspaper, or News Magazine website.
IMPORTANT! This is a HTML Template.
If you need the WordPress version of this template, please check bellow banner:
Features list:
- 50 + HTML files
- Clean & Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Build with Bootstrap
- TV Schedule
- Mega Menu
- Breaking News Ticker
- Sticky Header
- Smooth Animations and Parallax
- 10 Colors Variations
- Well organized, commented & clean code
- Easy customizable
- Well Documented
- Working Contact Form
- MailChimp integration
- Google Map
- Clean & 100% Valid html5 & Css
- Photos
- Pixabay
- Flickr
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- ABSFreePic
- Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
- GoodFreePhotos
- Gratisography
- Mock-ups
- Fonts
All images are used for preview purpose only, and are not included in the final purchase files.
Support and Documentation
24h News Template comes with a detailed help file to help you understand how it works. If you have any questions, feature requests or anything else, always feel free to get in touch with us via our user page. We’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours, and we’ll do our best to help.
Thanks and have a great day!